

I’m Crystal.


I work with life coaches to create, or recreate coaching businesses that build wealth.




Tell me if this sounds like you.


    You became a life coach because you believed you could have it all.

    You’re a smart high achiever.  You’re certainly not scared of hard work.  But right now life isn’t feeling like you thought it would the day you signed up to get certified.

    No matter what process, skill or mastermind you sign up for, you don’t get all the answers you need.  You can’t quit thinking, ‘I should be further along by now.’

    Let’s be honest: You’re tired of pushing through. 

    You’re tired of watching the coaches around you make $1M in 14 days or less and if you’re honest with yourself, you’re feeling a bit disillusioned by the industry.

    If you can relate, I have good news for you:

    You can create a coaching business that brings you wealth.

    Whether you’ve never really gotten your business off the ground, or you’re trying to figure out how to reach your next level of impact without burning out, I’ve got the systems and the answers you’ve been missing.

    Coach, you’re in the right place.

    I’ve helped coaches just like you.

    They’ve created, or recreated coaching businesses that
    actually provide wealth.



    Here are two opportunities to work with me right now:

    Enrollment RE-OPENS 08/14/2024
    Profitable is a mastermind designed for action, not just learning.

    If you’ve yet to build your business or attract your first 10 clients, join me and my colleague Erin Meadows inside this high-touch mastermind.

     > Over 12 weeks, you’ll get everything you need to build the profitable coaching business you’ve been dreaming of.

    A custom-curated, private coaching experience.

    For coaches already generating $100k+ annually.  You’re ready to make your next 6 figures but you feel stretched too thin to see how this is possible.

    > Together we’ll create a Future-Self Project, which you’ll complete in 90 days so that your next 6-figure goal becomes inevitable.
